3 Common Facebook Advertising Mistakes

You’ve decided to advertise on Facebook. Now what? My goal today is to help you gain the advantage going in so, Let’s talk about 3 common mistakes business owners make when advertising on Facebook what you can do to avoid them.

Now when you think of Facebook advertising what do you think of? Terms like expensive, confusing, annoying, is it worth it? Well if you’re asking these questions I encourage you to go back and watch my previous tips on Why It Makes Sense To Advertise On Facebook. For anyone thinking ROI, Ideal Customers, Money in the bank, let’s continue.

1. Lack Of Proper Investment

The first mistake is that they don’t invest themselves properly. Facebook is not a game or a toy. It is a super powerful., a super effective platform for growing your business and taking a serious and well thought out approach is paramount to success.

    1. Time – Creating a winning campaign takes time and many adjustments along the way to maximize return.
    2. Money – Having the right budgets and knowing how much you need to spend in order to make a significant return can make or break a campaign.
    3. Skill – Either you have to acquire the skills yourself or hire a team of experts to get the most out of the Facebook Ad Platform.

2. Poor Branding

The second Mistake I commonly see is poor branding. Your public image is everything. Having consistent colors, logos, messaging, calls to action across all your social media and websites. Remember what people see of your business online should reflect your values as a company. Everything you’d do for a customer in person you should be doing for your customers online and showing that in your advertising. Show them that you are consistent on your page, professional in adding value, and that you care about the image you present. Some simple tips are, 

      1. Unify your branding – when people see the ads, do they see a professional company behind it?
      2. Designed content  – are your ads, images, video eye catching, branded, and engaging?

3. Selling Too Often

The final mistake to avoid is selling too often and not engaging. Remember Facebook is an interest based platform. People use it during their downtime. It’s a place for social connectivity, sharing ideas, and educating one another. It is not primarily a place to scream about how awesome you are and all the deals you have. You should have content that generates interest and engagement organically. The job of your Facebook page should be to build a following by adding value to your community of ideal customers. That’s it. Don’t over complicate it and try to make money as a primary goal. Add value instead and watch as people respond.

      1. Not Everything is paid – post consistently (don’t “boost”)
      2. Use video as much as possible
      3. Use surveys, contests, and funny questions to boost engagement

Those are some practical tips for both paid and free advertising on Facebook. These are the foundations and in the next video I’m actually going to be diving into the Facebook ad platform itself and giving away some practical advice for setting up your ads effectively.

Thanks for watching. If you found value in this video let us know by dropping a comment and sharing with all your friends.

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