
CRM Support Topics

How do you measure the success of marketing campaigns for small businesses?2023-09-18T15:15:27-04:00

We use various metrics like website traffic, click-through rates, conversion rates, and ROI to track and measure the success of your marketing campaigns all within the NeuLevel CRM.

General Information

How do you ensure the security of our customer data and online assets?2023-09-18T15:17:26-04:00

We take data security seriously and employ industry-standard security measures to protect your customer data and online assets.

Do I need to be actively involved in marketing campaigns for my business?2023-09-18T15:16:44-04:00

While your involvement can be beneficial, we can manage the majority of the work. However, your insights and feedback are valuable for achieving the best results.

How long does it take to see results from digital marketing efforts?2023-09-18T15:16:14-04:00

Results can vary depending on the service and strategy, but typically, you can expect to see some improvements within a few weeks to a few months.

Do you offer ongoing SEO services, or is it a one-time optimization?2023-09-18T15:14:03-04:00

We offer both one-time SEO audits and ongoing SEO services to ensure your website maintains its ranking and adapts to changing search engine algorithms.

How can SEO benefit my small business’s online presence?2023-09-18T15:13:49-04:00

SEO improves your website’s visibility in search engines, making it easier for potential customers to find you online, resulting in increased website traffic and potential leads.

Can you help redesign my website using WordPress?2023-09-18T15:12:33-04:00

Yes, we specialize in WordPress web design and can create a user-friendly and visually appealing website tailored to your small business needs.

What services does your marketing agency offer for small businesses?2023-09-18T15:11:26-04:00

We offer a range of services, including Facebook Ads, Google Ads, web design (WordPress), social media management, SEO, and CRM software implementation. For best value and results check out our fully managed marketing plan.

Who Will Host My Website?2022-06-05T09:14:53-04:00

In order to build any site you will need to purchase a domain name and choose a provider like A2hosting, Inmotion Hosting, Bluehost, etc…

At NeuWeb we also have our own servers and can host your website on one of the best platforms for an annual fee.

How Long Does It Take To Build A Website?2022-06-05T09:08:11-04:00

Most professionals can knock out a custom website in 1-3 months. At NeuWeb we have faster methods for building websites and typically have a turn around of 7-14 days assuming all assets needed are provided by the client ahead of time.

Do You Create All Your Websites In WordPress?2022-06-05T08:59:14-04:00

Yes. WordPress has been a world leader as an open source website platform for many years. Almost a third of all websites on the internet are built with WordPress. We choose WordPress to create our websites because of its versatility and flexibility for multiple applications. You want a reliable website that is easy to maintain as well as customize. That’s WordPress!

How Much Does A New Website Cost?2022-06-05T08:55:11-04:00

This question is very arbitrary. Websites can range from free do it yourself solutions to over $30,000 for some custom applications. Pricing varies depending on the client needs, end goals, and minimum requirements to present their company well. Many websites require ongoing maintenance and SEO work. At NeuWeb Marketing our websites start at $1300 and cap out at around $5000 on the higher end. We conduct an analysis of our customers needs and design a custom price to ensure they get what they need to grow.