How to get more roofing leads in 2021

Finding new customers is central to your roofing business. Doing the job right, means the building you worked on won’t need any more improvements for years to come. Your customers come to you because they know you do a good job. Yet, every building has a roof, and those roofs need repairs and replacements. How can you find people and businesses looking for a new roof right now? By owning a top-notch lead generation and marketing system!

A few things to think about as you begin looking for new ways to generate leads. First, marketing is an investment. It requires a lot of time and money to pull off a successful marketing campaign. Second, marketing is an ongoing expense. You can pay for an ad campaign once and generate a decent number of roofing leads. But once you lower your ad spend or stop dedicating as much time to your marketing efforts, those leads can dwindle.

Lead generation and marketing takes a lot of time to get right. Consider how your team operates and if they have time to take on these responsibilities. NeuWeb Marketing’s technology is built for contractors and roofing businesses like yours to save you precious time. With a business management solution like NeuWeb, you can spend less time marketing and managing leads and focus on sales and service.


One of the biggest challenges for any roofing business is generating qualified leads. Qualified leads are the engine that drives new business. While you’re out on the job, you shouldn’t have to worry about where you’ll be working next. We know you and your sales team go through a lot to land new customers. We also know that there’s a better way.

Use the internet to get more leads

The internet has dramatically changed the way we reach our customers. Once, TV, radio and phonebook ads were the best way to get your name out there. Now, the internet has made it far easier to reach new people with websites and online advertising. It’s also changed the way people shop for services like roofers. People likely read reviews and dig through your website before picking up the phone. So, it’s essential for your online marketing to think how your customers think.

To start you off, here are a few quick hits to get you up-to-speed on digital marketing:

Outbound marketing: Some of the most well-known advertising methods use “outbound marketing.” The basic principle is that you put out your message to a broad audience. Of that general audience, a small percentage will be looking for a roofer. Of that percentage, some portion will be convinced of your message and give you a call. Some outbound marketing tactics work well. Others are less effective than they used to be. Some that you might be familiar with include TV and radio ads, direct mail and door-to-door marketing.

Inbound marketing: Inbound marketing is more targeted than outbound marketing. It gets your information in front of people who are already looking for a roofer. For example, if someone searches online for “commercial roofing contractor near me,” that person is ready to hire a roofer. In this case, the first two or three results will likely be paid ads for roofers who service their area. Right below those ads will be a box of organic results featuring roofing businesses in the area. Inbound marketing lead generation strategies such as paying for ads and optimizing your website for search engines are some of the best ways to gain new business.

Conversion rate: A high conversion rate is a sign of a successful web page or ad campaign. The people who send you their contact information are those who have “converted.” Both your digital ads and your website will convert a certain percentage of their viewers. That percentage is your conversion rate. As you test new ads and web pages, your conversion rate will help you know what worked best.



Construction pros looking for new growth strategies know their marketing strategies must revolve around generating more roofing leads. Here are some of our best recommendations for your roofing business:


Your website is the best resource customers will find about your services. It’s also a powerful lead generation tool. Long before anyone fills out their contact info or picks up the phone, they look at your website. They may browse for a few minutes to see if you work with the type of roof they have. Property owners and building managers might spend a great deal longer, to see if your company will meet their needs.

Among business-to-business (B2B) customers, 68% prefer to start with independent online research. Further, 60% of these buyers prefer not to work with a sales rep as their primary source of information. An easy-to-read website design is key to making an impact on your customers. Here are a few things you can do to increase your website’s conversion rate:

  • Create informative pages outlining your services and benefits. Your customers want to get a good sense of your company without contacting you directly.
  • Design a visually appealing website. Include high-quality pictures and easy-to-read pages with prominent contact information.
  • Make your contact form easy to fill out. Include only as many text boxes as necessary, and offer an advantage such as a free quote for filling out the form.


More content will help you get leads

To draw in customers when they are ready to buy, be their number one assistant. Answer your customers’ most common questions in helpful blog posts or videos. If you work with both residential and commercial roofs, create separate pages targeted at homeowners and B2B buyers. Qualified customers will seek you out during their information-gathering phase. They’ll also build trust in you as they read and watch your helpful advice.

Reliable content drives customers to your website when they search these same questions. It also improves your rankings with search engines and shows you are an expert in your field. The more content you have, the more people will find your website and see you as a capable roofing contractor.


One key to garnering better leads is to design landing pages with your ideal client in mind. As you work towards running marketing campaigns, the goal is to send them to your website. So, think about your site visitors’ first impressions. Your ads should send prospects to the right page to make an impact. Your homepage might not help a visitor make a decision, and the wrong page can send visitors away.

For example, if customers click on an ad for a flat roofer, they might get frustrated if they land on a general page about roofing. If they see information about pitched roofing, they will look for another company. Similarly, if someone searches “roofer in Miami,” they expect to see roofers in Miami. If the landing page mentions “winterizing a roof,” that person will see the website as irrelevant to their search.

It’s essential to create custom landing pages for all the customers you target. For a national roofing company, this can mean creating many pages for each of the cities you serve. If you work with many types of roofs, create landing pages focused on each of these projects.


Get more roofing leads with SEO

Think back to the last dozen internet searches you made. How often did you go to page two of your search results? For most people, the answer is never. More than 40% of revenue comes from organic search results. That’s why your website must be easy for search engines to understand. This process is called Search Engine Optimization, or SEO. Many factors determine how a website ranks in search results. Here are a few factors that roofers should consider to optimize their websites:

  • Make sure your website loads quickly.
  • Optimize pages on your website for popular keywords related to your business.
  • Add authoritative content to your website.
  • Link your website to Google My Business.


One of the best ways to generate leads and grow your business is to provide a solution worth talking about. When people have a “better than the rest” experience, they’re more than happy to talk about it. They will leave you positive reviews online, and may even mention your business to others looking for a roofer.


Get leads with testimonials

With 91% of consumers reading online reviews, this is an essential part of the decision-making process. People trust what others say about you far more than anything you say about yourself. After you deliver great service to happy customers, ask for testimonials.

You can ask them to send you a testimonial via email to quote for your website. Better yet, if the customer represents an ideal market for you, such as a large commercial building, ask for a video testimonial. Quotes and videos let you connect with prospects personally and act as proof of your great work.

Happy customers want to help others find your excellent services. When you know a customer is satisfied with your work, you can ask for word-of-mouth referrals. Personal referrals are particularly powerful for commercial zones or residential neighborhoods. Chances are, many of these buildings were built around the same time or will be affected by the same storm. Ask your clients to tell their neighbors about your work.


Between big well-known companies and niche local contractors, the roofing industry is a tight market. So many roofers brand themselves with similar messaging. With lots of competition, prospects need to understand why they should trust you above the rest.

Almost all roofers have some experience, so add value by showing how long your business has offered great service. Many roofing contractors promise a free quote, so up your game with a free inspection. Focus on marketing that celebrates your strengths and cut-above service.


There is a big difference between generating traffic and generating qualified traffic. The difference is in your conversion rate. Maybe you prefer to work with commercial buildings. Or perhaps you get the most sales from upper-middle class-homeowners. Whatever your niche, create web pages and ads that target these customers specifically. Accurate targeting will send more qualified leads your way and increase your conversion rate.

The more you cater to specific needs, the more likely you’ll be to get your company in front of the right people. If you work with commercial properties, discuss topics relevant to this audience. Commercial buildings might be more likely to have metal roofs. They might house several tenants or have many locations nationwide. Content and ads relevant to your customers show you understand their needs.


PPC stands for pay-per-click advertising. Many popular search terms turn up paid advertising links at the top of a search results page. They are called pay-per-click ads because these websites pay for each person who clicks on this link. When so many people aren’t venturing beyond page one of their search results page, PPC ads are a quick way to get to the top of searches. Pay-per-click ads account for 10% of all internet traffic, so this can help you pick up the traffic your SEO strategies leave behind.

Roofers can take advantage of Google Adwords to get started with PPC ad campaigns. This service lets you set a budget, research the best keywords, target your ideal audience and track your success rate. It’s critical to note that PPC campaigns are costly, but the return on your investment (ROI) is high. In a metropolitan area, roofers pay anywhere from $30 to $40 per click. In less crowded areas, they pay about $10 to $15 per click. This cost is high compared to other industries. However, with a landing page optimized to bring in leads, just one or two roofing jobs can pay for the investment.


Facebook ads are a great way to connect with people who are already looking for a roofer. Build up your social media presence with before and after pictures, quick videos of job sites and more. You can also up your Facebook game with targeted ads.


Use linkedin to get more B2B leads

LinkedIn is where professionals meet. If you are looking for more B2B and commercial building projects, consider running targeted ad campaigns on LinkedIn. With LinkedIn, you can run ads targeting users with a specific job title, such as commercial real estate agents or property managers.


Many companies involve employees in their social media initiatives. People trust what employees say about a company online, and posts shared by employees go further than those shared by the business alone. Many employees don’t know if their company wants them to post online. So, encourage and create opportunities for employees to post about their work life.


Many roofers up their advertising right before and after a nasty storm. When a storm devastates a building or damages the roof, being the first roofer to come to mind can be a huge advantage. Many apps let you track storms all over your service area, so you know when and where to start placing more social media and PPC ads.


Many local contractors optimize their website and run ads that target their local area. National and regional companies can do this, too. You can design landing pages for each of the cities you serve with keywords focused on the surrounding area. You can also run PPC and social media ads targeted at different cities and towns.


Network with adjacent businesses in the area

Another great way to get new business is to work with an adjacent business serving the same area. Potential strong partnerships for a roofing company include electricians, plumbers and general contractors. You’ll recommend their business to your customers, while they recommend you to their customers. Make sure to partner with businesses whose work you respect because your recommendations will reflect on you.

To help with SEO, you can both link to each other’s websites on a recommended vendors page on your own sites. These links tell search engines that others view your website as relevant and helpful.


In the same vein, you can also work with suppliers to get them to recommend your services. Your business can become a certified installer of a brand of shingles or other roofing materials. This authorization works as a recommendation directly from the supplier. They will often list your website and contact information on their site.


Both residential and commercial real estate agents often need roof work for their properties. The key is to target real estate agents who work with buyers. Buyers are usually the ones who request roof inspections and repairs, and they trust their agent to recommend businesses. To network with real estate agents, find ways to establish yourself as a helpful resource. Provide free information or ask to speak at local meetings.

Offer to write guest blog content for local real estate agents’ websites. This gives you a helpful backlink to your own site and allows them to offer more helpful content to their customers.


Network With Building Managers and Property Owners

Building managers and property owners are the decision-makers who will help you land big commercial roofing projects. There are many ways to network with these individuals. Get involved in trade organizations such as the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) or the National Property Management Association (NPMA). Or, try writing guest articles or placing ads in trade magazines such as Buildings Magazine or Facility Executive Magazine.

Writing guest content for these organizations and linking to your own site can also help with your SEO.


The trucks your company brings to job sites are free advertising real estate. They should be uniform and decked out with your company logo and contact information. More than this, their drivers should also drive safely and respectfully. When you put your name on a truck, that driver’s behavior reflects on your business.


Whenever anyone calls your business, the person who answers the phone is their first impression of the company. Your phone operators should be respectful and courteous. They should also be trained to know how to help callers answer their questions and help guide callers towards taking the next step. The way this conversation goes can mean the difference between a qualified lead and a caller moving on to another company.


Among B2B customers, an overwhelming 81% prefer to contact vendors via email. Roofers must embrace email as the most convenient way for customers to get in contact with them. Your staff should be able to respond to emails quickly. They should know proper email etiquette to provide friendly one-on-one service online. It may be helpful to send out e-newsletters to contacts with helpful information about roof safety and upkeep or upcoming storms.


Many businesses don’t make the most out of the leads they gather. With leads coming in from social media, emails, contact forms and phone calls, you might begin to lose track. Leads are an integral part of your business. Make your marketing efforts worth the investment by following through quickly.

Your odds of qualifying a lead decrease more each minute you wait. Your best chance of turning a contact into a lead is if you follow up with them within the first five minutes. Your odds decrease four times if you wait 10 minutes, and 21 times if you wait 30 minutes.

Speed is vital.

Hint: NeuWeb’s lead management technology can help you track and assign leads in real time, so you won’t waste a minute.


Generating leads for your business

Generating leads is the most important aspect of driving revenue for your business. If you don’t have a system in place, the leads will soon become unmanageable. NeuWeb Marketing can help!

NeuWeb Marketing’s core CRM is tailored to contractors’ needs from top to bottom. It was made by contractors to solve the many issues that contractors face. With our core CRM, you’ll maximize relationships with customers through better organization. Our tool lets you process invoices, schedule employees and track hours and bids. By managing all your business needs in one platform, you can seamlessly track your client relationships. You’ll save time and provide fast, reliable service. With NeuWeb, you will be at the forefront of your clients’ minds when a new job comes in.

Our technology can help you qualify leads to make the most of your marketing efforts. With NeuWeb Lead Tracker, you can assign leads based on the type of work, location and other factors. Your salespeople will be notified immediately when a lead comes their way. With this system, your sales team can get in before that five-minute window closes. You can document lead histories and job prospects by clients or even by building, and turn this into powerful data reports. You’ll find close-ratio analytics by salesperson, client, size of job and type of work. This way, you know what parts of your business are generating the most revenue.

With NeuWeb, our technology does more than help you qualify and manage leads. We also create a full-scale business operations management experience, tailored to your industry. You’ll make efficient use of your lead generation efforts and give your customers an amazing experience. With your improved speed and organization, your customers will keep coming back.

Get Crystal Clear On Your Business Goals

Let’s discuss your business goals and design a custom playbook to scale your business. We’ll explore what you’re doing now, and what it will take to get you to seven figures.

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Ready to elevate your marketing efforts? At NeuWeb, we’re here to help you achieve your business goals through innovative marketing solutions. Whether you have questions, need a consultation, or want to discuss your specific needs, our team is ready to assist. Complete the form, and we’ll get in touch with you shortly.


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